Site's map
Main menu
- Home
- Teaching
- History
- Ministries
- Prayer ministry
- Sunday school
- Youth ministry
- Gideon ministry
- Social ministry
- Victoria's testimony
- Let's help the center "Mother and child"
- Social rehabilitation center "House of hope"
- "Warm House" in Volkhov. Rehabilitation center for women
- Ministry extension
- Trip to Nikulino
- Trip to Vyborg
- Social ministry in church
- Trip to Torzhok
- Visiting Nikulino
- Meeting after rehabilitation
- Ministry of sisters in Nikulino
- Trip to the rehabilitation center
- Missionaries visited the rehabilitation center of Nikulino
- OPEN-AIR Good Samaritan 2015
- Further plans for ministry
- General summer meeting of Christian rehabilitation centers
- Visit of a rehabilitation center in Nikulino
- Trip to Bezhetsk
- Children's ministry
- Music
- Women
- Moms in prayer
- Home groups
- News
- News archive - 2011
- Праздник жатвы в Бежецке
- Guests from Kuvshinovo
- Concert in Ryad village
- Youth fellowship in V.Volochok
- Youth conference
- Meeting with the bishop
- World women's prayer
- 19 years' anniversary
- To lead and to love
- The Harvest holiday
- Baptism
- Roof repair
- Children christian camp
- Women conference in church
- Regional conference for women
- Hiking
- Scout camp "Alpha"
- Contacts with Heavens
- Easter celebrating
- Fellowship of married couples
- Fellowship in home groups
- Women conference
- The performance "A castle of grace"
- Entering the Seminary
- Seminar on a hermeneutics
- Dedication of Timothy
- Site design is finished
- News of service of Christian camps
- Walking
- The children's program
- He has come as the stranger
- Concert of Dmitry Mishin
- Thanksgiving service
- Christmas service
- Conference for pastors and leaders
- Banner 'God loves you'
- The 20 anniversary of Tver Sunday school
- Tver region youth conference
- News archive - 2012
- The first Christmas of the Bremen musicians
- Sister fellowship
- Celebration of the 20 anniversary of church
- Alexander Drokin is our guest
- Preparation for anniversary celebration
- Harvest holiday
- Competition of Christian sites
- Holiday in home groups
- The testimony of Stepan
- Day of Knowledge
- Baptism
- Silver wedding
- Our rehabilitation center
- Our congress
- Vacation in Sunday school.
- Our guests
- Regional sister conference
- On a visit at Ia Pavlova
- What things prevents to follow me the Lord
- Youth conference
- Water baptism
- Sister fellowship
- Seminar for preachers
- A conference for men
- Larionov family in Udomlya
- The seminar for preachers
- News archive - 2013
- Holiday of Sunday school
- Day of mother
- Our site works 3 years
- Spiritual burning out
- New family was born
- Harvest holiday
- Kozynko's family in our church
- The prayer before school
- New family
- Mobile clinic in church
- Congress-2013
- Service in city library
- Holiday of Sunday school
- Rehabilitation center
- Easter celebration
- Early at sunrise
- Children is a heritage from God
- Fence painting
- I am free forever
- Blessing of children
- The man and the woman are created for each other
- Man's conference in Volochok
- Sisters at session
- Gospel to everybody
- Guests from the rehabilitation center
- Christmas for children
- New Year's service
- A new movie "The Bible"
- News archive - 2014
- Our guests
- New couple
- Youth conference
- To lead and to love
- Harvest holiday
- Watching TV channels on our website
- Transfiguration
- Youth - always ahead
- Baptism
- Help in camp construction
- Church service outdoors
- Graduation
- Sunday concert
- Youth service
- Christ is Risen!
- Service in Bezhetsk
- Fellowship of married couples
- Women fellowship
- Conference "Way of the Strong"
- New family
- Baptism
- Dedication to deacon service
- News archive - 2015
- Christ FM
- Visit of Bezhetsk
- Election of the Bishop
- Pastors' conference "Spiritual Renewing"
- Birthday of church
- American evangelist Franklin Graham called to pray for Putin
- To lead and to love
- Harvest holiday
- New Family
- Covenant with the Lord
- Youth Forum
- Graduation in Sunday school
- Meeting of generations
- Married couples' meeting.
- Sisters' conference
- The youth carried out Sunday church service
- Family holiday
- News archive - 2016
- The Baptism
- Our guest
- Pastors Meeting
- The 24th anniversary
- Harvest holiday
- New couple.
- Thanks for help
- About missionary activity
- The congress "Unity" - 2016
- Preparation for the Congress
- The festival "Superbook"
- About watching videos on our website
- Regional conference for sisters
- Performance of choir
- Christmas concert
- Twelve Months
- Family Christmas
- News archive - 2017
- Our youth
- Bryansk choir
- To lead and to love
- The anniversary of church
- Harvest holiday
- New family
- Mobile clinic
- Baptism
- Communication outdoors
- The youth carried out Sunday church service
- ChristFM-2017
- Brothers' meeting
- Meeting of married couples
- Trip to Nikulino
- Birthday which has changed everything
- Celebration of Sunday school
- News archive - 2018
- News archive - 2019
- News archive - 2020
- News archive - 2021
- News archive - 2022
- Visiting Kimry
- Pastoral and leaders conference
- Anniversary of the church
- Youth conference
- Our guests
- Harvest Festival
- The affections of our children
- Youth conference
- Congress - 2022
- Evangelism in Ostashkov
- Trip to Kuvshinovo
- Congress "Unity"
- Pastors meeting
- Cleaning day
- Evangelism in the Udomlya district
- Evangelism in Kuvshinovo
- Nature ride
- Baptism
- Christ is risen!
- Pastors' Council
- O, Lord, I love Your home
- A Covenant with the Lord
- News archive - 2023
- A report about Ksenia Kudryashova
- Visiting Kimry
- Visiting Rzhev
- Prayer Alert: Maui Wildfires
- Baptism
- Visiting Kuvshinovo
- New couple
- In the nature
- Guests from Cherepovets
- Christ is Risen!
- Youth conference
- Interview with Anatoly Manyukov
- The evening of couples
- Brothers fellowship
- Baptism
- Christmas Concert
- News archive - 2024
- News archive - 2025
- News archive - 2011
- Video archive of worship
- Encouragement
- Interview with A.Smirnov
- Interview - 2016
- Interview - 2017
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за март 2018 год
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за декабрь 2017 год
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за ноябрь 2017 год
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за октябрь 2017 год
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за сентябрь 2017 год
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за август 2017 год
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за июль 2017 год
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за июнь 2017 год
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за май 2017 год
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за апрель 2017 год
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за март 2017 год
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за февраль 2017 год
- Интервью с А.В.Смирновым за январь 2017 год
- Prayer for persecuted
- Worldwide prayer vigil for Leah Sharibu
- Leah Sharibu is alive!
- Pray for our sister Leah Sharibu
- Pastor Saeed Abedini has just been released
- North Korea sentences Canada pastor to life in jail
- Persecuted Christians in India Need Your Help
- Pray for Christians in Eritrea
- Thousand days in prison
- International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted -2014
- Christians Across Africa Under Attack
- Crisis in Iraq
- Pray for China
- International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted
- Prayer vigil
- Regional association
- Congress - 2024
- Trip to Israel
- Web links
- Сharity
- Contacts
User menu
Top menu
- Who are Baptists
- How can you find us
- How to be saved
- Forum
- Добро пожаловать на форум Церкви ЕХБ г.Удомли
- Вопросы служителям
- Молитвенный раздел
- Молитвенные просьбы
- Благодарности
- Молитвенная нужда о Данике
- Молитесь за Асию Биби
- Молитесь за пастора Юсефа Надархани
- Молитесь за церковь г.Владивостока
- Молитвенные нужды нашей церкви
- Молитесь за Иранского пастора Бехнама Ирани
- Need help - Нужна помощь
- Молитесь за освобождение пaстoра Саида Абедини
- Евангелие каждому - Молитва за пробуждение России
- Молитвенные нужды Тверского областного объединения
- Молодежная страничка
- Новости из церквей
- О вере
- Полезная информация
- Телевидение на нашем сайте
- Добро пожаловать на форум Церкви ЕХБ г.Удомли
- Growth principles
- Cristian Holidays - 2025
- Site's map
- Christian radio
- Sermons
- Video seminar about family and marriage
- The Gospel of John - Peter Mickiewicz
- Petr Mitskevich
- Aleksei Smirnov
- Divorce. Remarriage. Aleksei Smirnov
- Dr. Allan Meyer - Valiant Man
- Sergey Sannikov
- Sergey Tupchik - Seminar "The Second Coming of Jesus Christ"
- How to learn to pray - Sergey Sannikov
- Johannes Reimer - 2014
- Johannes Reimer - Children of believing parents
- Johannes Reimer
- David's Power - Sergey Sannikov
- Marriage principles - Johannes Reimer
- Testimonies
- Poetry
- Musical video
- Video Online
- The right to choose
- I Can Only Imagine
- Image of beast
- The Cross and the Switchblade
- Love Comes Softly - 11 films
- Never Heard
- Our Father's Keeper
- A Time for Heaven
- Let go and trust God
- Indelible mark
- Camp Arrowhead
- The Author, The Star, and The Keeper
- Barabbas
- Little boy
- Freshman
- Ivan Prokhanov
- God is not dead - 1, 2, 3
- Samson
- Let There Be Light
- What If...
- Amazing Love: The Story Of Hosea
- The Magic Of Ordinary Days
- A Matter of Faith
- Polycarp
- The Christmas Candle
- David and Goliath
- By God's Grace
- Heavenly Postman - 1,2
- War Room
- Do you believe?
- A.D.: The Bible Continues
- Deep in the Heart
- Revelation Road 1, 3
- Heaven Is for Real
- Marriage Retreat
- Unconditional
- I'm in Love with a Church Girl
- This Is Our Time
- The Heart of Christmas
- So This Is Christmas
- Christmas Angel
- Lukewarm
- Apostle Peter and the Last Supper
- God has His plans
- The Mark 1,2
- The Bible - series
- October Baby
- The Easter experiences
- Road to Emmaus
- Sarah, Plain and Tall
- Though None Go with Me
- The Climb
- A Walk To Remember
- Abel`s Field
- Too Saved
- Anne of Green Gables
- Pollyanna
- Johnny
- The Impossible
- Hidden Places
- Machine Gun Preacher
- Something To Sing About
- Treasures of the snow
- I am Gabriel
- Me again
- Wind house
- Rector 2
- The Grace Card
- To save a Life
- Safe Harbor
- No Greater Love
- Story of hostage
- Letters to God
- For Sunday school
- Тематические игры по Библии
- Энциклопедия для родителей. Детские развивающие игры
- Для уроков Воскресной школы
- Программа "Елим" для Воскресной школы
- Сборник для наставника
- Игры для лагерей
- Библейские азбука и арифметика.
- Журналы "Коллекция идей"
- Библия в поделках. 12 Журналов для ВШ.
- Мастерская поделок из бумаги
- Диск "Изобразительное творчество"
- 365 загадок и головоломок
- Программа "Ключ"
- Articles
- Photogallery
- Laws
- Main laws
- Checking
- The tax reporting
- The accounting reporting
- The report in Ministry of Justice
- Labor
- About land
- Отчет в органы статистики
- Liquidation of the religious organization
- Новые правила оформления протоколов собраний
- Изменения в Законе о свободе совести и о религиозных объединениях
- Изменения в Гражданском Кодексе РФ
- Формы документов
- Протокол об утверждении устава
- Уведомление о создании религиозной группы
- Примеры уставов
- Регистрация религиозных организаций
- Реорганизация религиозных организаций
- Принудительная ликвидация религиозных организаций
- Форма промежуточного ликвидационного баланса
- Какие документы необходимы
- Выписки из Законов
- Альтернативная служба
- Отсрочка служителям
- Закон об альтернативной службе
- Образец заявления
- Бланк заявления
- Срочный трудовой договор
- Работник на альтернативной службе
- Перечень работ
- Для призывников и родителей
- Особенности прохождения
- Распоряжение по Тверской области
- Указ Президента
- Получение отсрочки
- Порядок прохождения
- Постановление об организации
- Комментарий к закону об альтернативной службе
- Комментарии законов, статьи
- Important