News archive - 2012

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# Article Title Author Hits
1 The first Christmas of the Bremen musicians Administrator 25729
2 Sister fellowship Administrator 17491
3 Celebration of the 20 anniversary of church Administrator 46249
4 Alexander Drokin is our guest Administrator 18775
5 Preparation for anniversary celebration Administrator 17397
6 Harvest holiday Administrator 21476
7 Competition of Christian sites Administrator 18437
8 Holiday in home groups Administrator 18474
9 The testimony of Stepan Administrator 18529
10 Day of Knowledge Administrator 19059
11 Baptism Administrator 21631
12 Silver wedding Administrator 18011
13 Our rehabilitation center Administrator 16669
14 Our congress Administrator 17955
15 Vacation in Sunday school. Administrator 19216
16 Our guests Administrator 18897
17 Regional sister conference Administrator 19218
18 On a visit at Ia Pavlova Administrator 19702
19 What things prevents to follow me the Lord Administrator 18490
20 Youth conference Administrator 18112

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