Spiritual burning out
Last Updated on Saturday, 22 March 2014 20:41
On such subject the seminar took place in the Vyshny Volochok Baptist church.
It passed on October 18-19. The bishop of the Tver region Pavel Stukov opened a seminar with prayer.
On this fellowship there were brothers and sisters from all Tver region.
The pastor of the second Moscow Baptist Church Sergey Babich held a seminar.
On the example of prophet Elijah and other Bible characters he told about a depression which believer can have. The special role of the family relations on a spiritual condition of the Christian was emphasized.
Fellowship took place in a warm situation. Sisters of Vyshny Volochok Baptist church fed us very tasty.
In breaks between lectures brothers and sisters continued to communicate with each other, shared impressions about the heard. All of us are very grateful to the Lord for this seminar useful to us.