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Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth(Mt. 5,5)

One missionary worked on the island Jamaica which is between Northern and South America. He taught at Sunday school in which black pupils studied. Once he asked the pupils: “Whom it is possible to call gentle”?

One of boys has answered: «Gentle personis the one who gives soft answers to blunt questions». This boy told important true. We will aspire to reach such spiritual perfection always to answer softly rough and impudent questions. Meeknesscan achieve much more, than shout and abuse.

The gentleperson is a person, who doesn’t have a pride. Pride is the reason of family dissonances and quarrels, disagreements and misunderstanding in churches. It deprives of people of fellowship with God. The gentleperson is a person, who is not angry. The anger is a feeling of strong indignation, animosity, rage. “For anger resteth in the bosom of fools” (Ecc. 7,9).

The mild person is a person, who is patient. Patience keeps the love and the consent in families between husbands and wives, parents and children; between brothers and sisters on belief, friends and neighbors. The patience is that fertile soil on which many Christian virtues grow. The gentleperson is the restrained person. The restrained people are indulgent to weaknesses of others, create good and is low think of them. They with pleasure take down false charges. To be able to reconcile – means, to imitate Jesus Christ.

The gentleperson is an indulgent person. Condescension is necessary, if we want to build happy home life. Many people are lonely today, because weren't indulgent in the families, to the neighbors and friends.

And gentlepeople are people, who are always obedient to the Lord in all.

Let's be gentleChristians!
