Love of children to parents

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Thy father and thy mother shall be glad, and she that bare thee shall rejoice(Prov. 23,25) .

In China, in olden time, the person who has been convicted of theft, was chopped off hands. One grandee, the favourite of the emperor has got in theft. The emperor couldn't recede from the law and ordered to punish the criminal. In a court yard an executioner's block with rings was put, and next day early in the morning the executioner should chop off to the grandee of a hand. But here the girl, the daughter of the condemned grandee came to a palace, asking with tears, that she wants to see the emperor. With great difficulty, but the court complied with her request. The girl felt face downwards before the emperor.

“A great sovereign, – she has told, – my father is awarded to remain without hands; and so, chop off my hands, they are his too, but aren't able to support our big family as it is done by his hands”. The emperor had children, and it was pleasant to it that the little girl so loves the father.

“Let will be as you ask; but I will give to you will to refuse execution, at least the latest minute”.

On the next day girl was resulted in a court yard for execution. In the court yard center there was an executioner's block, perfused blood and near it – the executioner with a naked sword. The girl turned pale, was confused for a minute, but regained self-control soon, approached to an executioner's block and pushed hands in rings. The executioner adhered hands to an executioner's block with belts. The girl didn't say any word. The executioner lifted a sword, and closed eyes. The sword sparkled, without touching of edges of fingers.

«The emperor forgives your father for great your love», – the imperial confidant declared. They opened prison doors. The father ran out to the daughter, began to kiss her hands and to pour their with tears.

The next day people were declared to the decree about cancellation the cruel old law forever. And in a court yard for executions under the imperial order a column was made with a marble board and the words on it with gold letters were written that the daughter was ready to give the hands for hands of the father, and in the end there were words: “fathers, who have such children are happy, and the earth where there are such families is happy”. Children, love your fathers and mothers by word and deed!
