Youth conference

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On November 2 - 4 there was a regional conference in the Vyshny Volochyok Baptist church.

The youth from Tver, Vyshny Volochyok, Udomlya, Rzhev, Kuvshinovo and other towns of our area gathered here.

Conference began with glorification of the Lord.

Speakers were Victor Zubarev - Pastor of Russian Bible church of Moscow and Mikhail Solovyov - Pastor of Rzhev Baptist Church.

Youth of all churches actively participated in communication.

They sang, told verses, showed performances.

The cooks offered very tasty dishes in breaks.

Behind little tables it was possible to continue communication.

Also youth had the meeting with pastors of churches where they could receive answers to all questions interesting them.

Subject of conference was "the Steps to the Heaven". During three days the youth could rise on a spiritual ladder by some steps, thus having become even closer to God.