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On January 19 we held the feast of the Epiphany

We glorified the Lord by singing.

We also had a water baptism of three sisters.

Olga Balabolina read the poem.

Anatoly Manyukov said a sermon for children.

The Director of the Sunday school, Sergey Kovalsky, prayed before the lesson.

The choir sang in praise of the Lord.

The first pastor of the Church, Igor Kudryashov, preached on baptism.

Olga Davydova read the poem.

The baptized appeared before the Church.

Igor Kudryashov made a prayer before baptism.

The baptized were : sister Tatiana,

sister Anna

and sister Faina.

The glorification group performed the song "Peter".

Lilia Kudryashova glorified the Lord by singing.

The brothers and sisters congratulated the baptized.

This is an unforgettable day in their lives.

At the end of the meeting, Igor Kudryashov announced the engagement of brother Ruslan and sister Lilia.

We wish them God's abundant blessings.