Christmas concert

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On January 10 we had guests from Vyshny Volochyok.

They participated in our Christmas concert.

The First pastor Igor Kudryashov prayed in the beginning.

Then we sang the Christmas hymn "Silent night" under orchestra sounds.

Then the chorus of our church glorified the Lord.

Sister Albina sang the song "Prayer of the Old Monk".

Olesya Kudryashova played Cornelius Gurlitt's "Storm" on piano.

The song "Bright Star" was performed by Lilia Kudryashova, Olesya Kudryashova and Maria Medvedeva.

Igor Kudryashov sang the song "From the Dust of the Ground".

The music group of sisters from Vyshny Volochyok showed their program .

Svetlana Kudryashova sang the song "Christmas Miracle".

Lilia Kudryashova also glorified the Lord by singing a song.

God gave us such great opportunity to gather this evening to glorify Him.