Our guests

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On May 13 we were visited by many guests.

This Sunday a church service will be remembered for a long time in the hearts of brothers and sisters. We were visited by the vice-chairman of Russian Baptist Union Ruvim Voloshin with youth group from Moscow.

Also there were guests from the Volkhov rehabilitation center. Brother Anton preached, brothers and sisters glorified the Lord with songs. Also they told about their service "Kind hands". They got in Volkhov two four-room apartments for needy incomplete families. Now 6 mothers and 8 children live there. And brothers and sisters care of them.

Then Ruvim Voloshin preached, and the youth showed the performance "Last time".

We are grateful to the Lord for guests and we look forward the next Sunday - we will have guests again - there will be brothers and sisters from Nikulino rehabilitation center.