What things prevents to follow me the Lord

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On April, 1st a conference for sisters has taken place.

Its theme - "What things prevents to follow me the Lord". About 20 sisters have gathered in the House of Prayer to share with each other about it.

Valentina Soloveva has told about Abigail - the woman whom about we read in the Bible. We know about her humility and wisdom.

Then Irina Krupeeva has shared about what influence on the Christian renders the TV.

Lyudmila Gerchikova - the head of female service has offered each sister on a sheet to write one most serious reason which prevents her to follow God. It has appeared that the most frequent obstacles in a way for the Lord are: the vanity, faithless people surrounding us, the TV and even knitting.

Then Lyudmila Gerchikova told a theme «What means to follow the Lord». The text of the Gospel from Matthew 5, 3-11 (the Sermon on the Mount, commandments of blessings) has been read. To follow Jesus Christ, we need to correspond to those standards which He has specified here. We should be trustful as children, after all almost everything told in commandments of blessings is characteristic for children: mildness, warm cleanliness, humility, spiritual poverty.

Conference has very much inspired sisters. They have understood that all of them have any obstacles and they have realised necessity of mutual support on this wonderful way to Jesus Christ.

During the fellowship sisters drank tea, talked on different themes. They thanked God for this fine fellowship.